Grow Better Grass & Crops with
SuperSlag Basic
Just as effective on arable crops, particularly
Oil Seed Rape
'Nothing else contains so much for so little!'

Typical Analysis of Steel Works Slag
Steel works slag varies slightly, but typically contains the following elements. Also recorded are commonly found maximum contents.
Typically  Units per 1 tonne *

These samples were analysed by various laboratories from steel works slag from South Wales.

Steel Works Slag
Steel works slag is a by-product of the basic oxygen steel making process used by Corus at their Port Talbot, Scunthorpe and Teeside works.
Like the old basic slag our grade of steel works slag called Super Slag Basic is principally a lime based material which has absorbed the oxides and trace elements arising from the refining of iron. Although it contains less phosphates than the old basic slag. Super Slag Basic produces a high phosphate response in the soil owing to its soil conditioning properties. Field trials and practical experiences have shown that steel works slag performs exceptionally with significant improvements in crop yield and pasture quality.
Super Slag Basic has similar neutralising properties to that of ground limestone and is applied to the land at a similar rate, appropriate to its pH level. At the maximum recommended rate of 1.5 tonnes / acre, it provides around 60 units of available phosphate together with magnesium, iron, manganese, sulphur and a wide range of trace elements essential for healthy crops and animal well being.

On spreading, Super Slag Basic acts in four ways. It provides:-
·  an effective source of phosphate

·  an effective source of lime

·  a source of essential trace elements

·  a release mechanism for locked up phosphates.

Super Slag Basic is crushed down to a size that is agronomically effective. It is safe to handle and easy to spread and is prepared to 4 ml to dust particle size. This size gives the optimum release of nutrients whilst enabling ease of handling and spreading.
The remarkable performances of steel works slag has been established through extensive field study trials carried out by Newcastle University. Increases in dry matter yield were recorded over a three year period for Cockle Park (soil pH=5.4) and New Deanham (soil pH=4.8).

Slag spread at 1.6 tonne/acre. Limestone spread at same neutralising level as slag. TSP spread at same phosphate level as slag. Yield increase with slag over 3 times that of limestone of TSP at Cockle Park and more than double at New Deanham.
The herbage uptake of P205 was measured at Cockle Park where steel work slag again performed exceptionally well.

ProductP2O5 Applied  (units/acre)P2O5 Taken up  (units/acre)Uptake of P2O5 Applied
SuperSlag Basic 7213856%
Increase in uptake of P2O5 with steel works slag over 50% more than with TSP and three times more than with gafsa.
Basic slag was thought by many to be the best grassland fertiliser ever. Super Slag Basic is its modern day equivalent, rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphate and essential trace elements.

Super Slag Basic is good for your land; it replaces the trace elements and minerals which basic slag used to provide. It gives substantial increases in crop yields, sweetens pastures and is beneficial to grazing livestock.

What value do you get when you use Super Slag Basic ?
When applied at the usual rate of 1 mt/ac you get:
€22.5+worth of lime
€35+worth of phosphates
€10+worth of sulphur
€125.5+worth of magnesium
€7.75 worth of boron
€11 worth of manganese
€8 worth of copper + useful amounts of molybdenum, cobalt, selenium, zinc and iron
All of the nutrients are available to the crop.
Total value c.€226.00 per tonne !
Your cost only per tonne delivered and spread depending on location and load size.

Can you afford not to use it ?

Super Slag Basic
Super Slag Basic
Teagasc research/reports/environment/4510/eopr-4510.pdf
Super Slag Basic Brochure
Super Slag Basic is very rich in essential Calcium that it supplies to the soil in a slow release form. The Phosphate is also released slowly and supplies up to 40 units/acre when applied at 1t/ac. For optimum results Super Slag Basic should be spread on acid soils.
Other important elements include Manganese, Vanadium, Selenium, Cobalt, Molybdenum, Zinc, Copper, Sulphate, Magnesium, Iron and Silicon. NO DANGEROUS heavy metals are present in this natural fertiliser.

Super Slag Basic is available delivered in bulk nationwide. Spreading must be carried out using a wide belt machine which we can also arrange as a delivered & spread at a Fixed rate or Variable Rate option. 
Contact us

*UK units